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Image taken from the film ‘Tastes and Dislikes’.

Truffles and cinema represent a very strong pairing in fact truffles have always occupied a place of honour in the world of Italian and international cinema. This precious aphrodisiac fruit is usually described as a luxury food and a delicacy for the most discerning palates and is often what sparks love.
Italian cinema has always held the truffle in high regard. Starting with the Italian director Marco Ferreri who dedicated no less than two films to both the white and the black truffle with excellent performers such as Marcello Mastroianni and Ugo Tognazzi. The two great interpreters of Italian cinema appear respectively in ‘Oggi, domani, dopodomani’ of 1965 and in ‘La grande abbuffata’ of 1973. Not to mention the very likeable Carlo Verdone and Renato Pozzetto in ‘Seven Kilos in Seven Days’ from 1986.
There are also many scenes dedicated to truffles in international cinema. Just think of the famous Hugh Grant and Julia Roberts in ‘Notting Hill’, the 1999 cult film directed by Roger Michell in which the truffle is the protagonist of one of the film’s funniest scenes. And who knows if it wasn’t the truffle-stuffed guinea fowl that ignited the spark between William and Anna!
Another foreign film about truffles, cooking and love is ‘Tastes and Dislikes’, a 2007 film directed by Scott Hicks and starring Aaron Eckhart and the beautiful Catherine Zeta-Jones as Nick and Kate respectively. Kate is a famous chef who lives for cooking and the restaurant she works in. Her life changes when her sister dies and she has to start taking care of her niece Zoe and the owner of the restaurant calls in a new chef, Nick, who, thanks to his light-heartedness, wins the heart of first Zoe and finally Kate. Two scenes are entirely dedicated to truffles. In the first, Catherine Zeta-Jones is filmed with a truffle hunter picking out beautiful black and white Italian truffles. In the second scene, Kate is intent on cooking a dish with the help of Zoe. Kate is absent for a moment so Zoe picks up the truffles, smells them and is disgusted and throws them in the dustbin. Upon her return, Kate notices the truffles in the dustbin and to Nick’s laughter and her niece’s puzzlement, she retrieves them and places them in a container with rice to improve their preservation.
Cinema and food, cinema and truffles are therefore winning pairings and synonyms of love in all its facets: love of food, love of truffles, love of each other.

For your movie star evening, Selektia Tartufi certainly has the right truffle for you because… truffle is cinema, truffle is woman, truffle is love.
